Where To Get Historical Stock Data

Investing in the stock market takes a lot of courage, a lot of research, and a lot of wisdom. One of the nearly important steps is agreement how a stock has performed in the past. Of course, the by is not a guarantee of hereafter performance. But it's however very helpful to know if a stock has historically been volatile, stable, or had a consistent range.
It's pretty simple to detect, say, the stock price of General Electric right at present. But what if you demand to know the price on a specific date in the past?
Knowing the difference between the stock price of GE today and a past stock toll may be important for your taxes, or you may be trying to create a GE stock price forecast. Either way, you lot tin hands find what you need using MarketWatch's historical stock prices lookup tool.
When you lot enter the ticker symbol and a date, you'll become the information virtually the day's trading for that stock. The close will be noted, forth with the day'due south high and low. The 52-week high and low volition also be listed. Yous can go any stock price on any engagement for free, chop-chop and easily.
Find Historical Information on NASDAQ
For any stock listed on the NASDAQ, you tin discover historical data at NASDAQ.com. Look up the historical quotes page, and enter the ticker symbols you're interested in.
For instance, you can wait for the GOOG stock cost (Google), AMZN stock price (Amazon), and more. The results will show on ane page, and yous can switch between stocks by clicking on the appropriate tab on the results folio.
The default search is 3 months, simply yous can alter it to whatsoever range up to 10 years. Today'south stock price will be first. For instance, the Amazon stock cost today would exist the showtime entry in your search of AMZN, only y'all could scroll down to see older results.
Using Investopedia's Historical Securities Quotes
In the Markets department of Investopedia in that location is some other resources that tin assist y'all become the older stock quotes you need. You simply search for the ticker symbol and and then navigate to "Historical Data."
This will show you the historical stock toll of the security you chose. For instance, you can search TSLA to find the Tesla stock cost.
One affair that is especially helpful in Investopedia's tool is that yous can ready the engagement range you lot're interested in. You may non need to know what the Boeing stock cost is today, but you demand to know what it was in Jan through May of 2008. You can set the range and get a listing of daily results. You can also choose between a display of daily, weekly, or monthly results. This tin assistance you become a broader view of the stock's operation.
Apply Historical Data Wisely
Equally you do your enquiry, be sure to use the information yous notice wisely. Past performance tin definitely give y'all a stiff indicator of how stable and strong security is, only nada is guaranteed.
Diversified investments are of import for exactly that reason. You never know when major news volition suspension and plummet the value of a company or an industry. Exist conscientious with your investments and they will serve y'all well.
Source: https://www.askmoney.com/investing/how-to-look-up-historical-stock-prices?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D1465803%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex
Posted by: alvaradobely1954.blogspot.com
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