
What Is The Origin Of The Phrase 'nailed It

Whether in writing or a conversation, we may have seen or heard the employ of the phrase "nailed it". As nails are often associated with our fingers, or the small metallic spikes for structure, this phrase can be slightly confusing. This article will be highlighting this phrase'south true significant.

What Does "Nailed Information technology" Hateful?

The phrase "nailed it" is considered to be idiomatic and means to accept completed a chore successfully or to have gotten something right. Although many use this phrase to signify something done correctly, it is oft used in a sarcastic sense as well.

nailed it meaning origin

Many folks will apply the phrase "nailed information technology" when they believe something has been done perfectly. A perfect example of this is when someone receives a score of 100% on a test or an examination.

When looking at nosotros are able to see that "nailed information technology" is defined equally an expression used to comment on the successful, skillful, or clever completion or performance of something. Too mentioned, is that this phrase is frequently used sarcastically in reference to efforts that accept comically failed.

The same can be said for Collins Dictionary which defines "smash it" equally informal, only to execute a task uncommonly well.

What Is The Origin Of "Nailed Information technology"?

There is some fence in regards to where the phrase "nailed it" originated from. According to the Oxford Lexicon of Word Origins, the phrase could take come up from a Roman poet, named Horace. He is reported to have used a Latin phrase meaning "nailed it" – "Adfixa Est" or "Affixus Est".

Horace may take used this term to describe sculptors finishing their work to absolute perfection, by scraping with their fingernails in the finishing stages. He could also have been referencing carpenters at the time checking joints and working with their fingernails.

At the same time, many folks believe that this idiomatic phrase originated in modern times. It is believed that because "hitting the blast on the head" ways to do so with maximum efficiency and accuracy, the phrase "nailed information technology" was adapted to apply to other areas. Other areas would include anything that is washed successfully or in a near-perfect way.

This phrase has also been commonly used in gymnastics would for some time as "nailing the landing" (likewise referred to as "sticking the landing"). This has been said for many decades and references when a gymnast has performed a perfect dismount. When vaulting, a gymnast would turn themselves into a figurative perfectly straight "nail", which has been driven straight onto the floor. We tin can note that this is a visual reference that is used in a metaphorical sense.

Examples Of How To Utilize "Nailed It" In A Sentence

We will at present be going over various examples that correctly include the phrase "nailed it". These phrases are all appropriate and should be understood by whatsoever audition:

  1. I wasn't sure how my interview would go, merely I recollect I nailed it!
  2. I wasn't sure how he would do, but he admittedly nailed information technology!
  3. Y'all nailed it on your get-go try and should exist proud of yourself.
  4. I threw him a fastball and he completely nailed it with the bat.
  5. She only practiced the trip the light fantastic toe a few times, but however nailed information technology.
  6. The Steeler's offense failed, but the Raven'southward defence nailed it!
  7. I was concerned with how she would do on her exam, simply she nailed information technology.
  8. The funny thing was, she nailed it, right from the outset!
  9. Luckily, you nailed it with your last submitted assignment.
  10. You know, I've never made a cake before, but I think I nailed information technology!

How Do You lot Reply To "Nailed Information technology"?

When someone says that we have "nailed it", it is of import to distinguish if they have done so in a kind and congratulatory manner, or if they are doing and so sarcastically, as our response should reflect the tone of their statement.

We will now go over some explanations and appropriate examples that showcase how nosotros tin respond to "nailed it" when it is said equally a compliment and sarcastically:

When "Nailed It Is Said As A Compliment

If someone has said that we accept "nailed it" when we have completed a task correctly, to perfection, or merely to the best of our abilities – this is considered to be a big compliment. When this is the case, the appropriate response is more often than not to thank this person.

If nosotros have completed a task with someone else and they have commented on how we take "nailed it", we can consider agreeing with them if we besides feel that way. Nosotros may also extend the compliment back to this individual and thank them for their kind words of encouragement.

Here are some examples:

  • Mom: Wow, you nailed it on your examination, scoring a 95%!
  • Son: Thank you, Mom! I studied difficult for it!
  • Pitcher: You nailed it, regardless of how good my fastball was!
  • Batter: Cheers, man! You accept an excellent technique!
  • Manager: You nailed it in the interview, now we need you to take the written examination.
  • Potential Employee: Give thanks you, sir. I will endeavour my hardest.

When "Nailed It" Is Said Sarcastically

Now, if someone were to use "nailed it" in a sarcastic tone, it is more often than not meant to poke fun at us. This is not often meant to exist hateful or derogatory, it is merely meant as a joking fashion of pointing out a comedic failure or mistake. Nosotros should generally not have crime to this sort of statement.

When "nailed information technology" is used sarcastically, nosotros can oft laugh the situation off or perhaps concord with the person who has said information technology. At the aforementioned time, if we are in need of it, we can potentially enquire for guidance or assist in our adjacent attempt at said task. This would be considered an appropriate response to the sarcastic utilize of "nailed it".

Here are some examples:

  • Sister: Gosh, you really nailed information technology on our math examination!
  • Blood brother: That's not funny! I failed and mom is going to be so mad!
  • Boss: You nailed it on that chair – if just no ane sat on it!
  • Worker: Haha! I'll ensure to utilise better support next fourth dimension.
  • Todd: Wow, you nailed information technology on that cake! I never would have thought to substitute salt for saccharide.
  • Eric: I can't believe I did that, what a silly mistake!

"Nailed Information technology" – Synonyms

We volition now be going over a list of synonyms for the phrase "nailed information technology". We tin consider all of these synonyms to be appropriate alternatives to using the phrase "nailed it". Some of these phrases are idiomatic, but generally speaking, will be understood by most audiences.

Hither are the synonyms to look over:

  • Completed to perfection!
  • You knocked information technology out of the park!
  • Excellent job!
  • Aced it!
  • What an accomplishment!


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